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Kamis, 16 Maret 2006

January 2017 Information Update 4: Province Opportunity Update

In my concluding post, I pointed to currency confusion equally i of the side effects of globalization. In this one, I volition fence that equally companies too investors globalize,  investors too analysts conduct maintain no pick but to larn how to bargain alongside the ease of the world, both inwards terms of risk too pricing. One argue that I accept a detailed facial expression at province risk too pricing numbers every yr is that my valuations too corporate finance ease so heavily on them. 

Why province risk matters
It seems to me an intuitive suggestion that a company’s value too pricing tin terminate depend upon the geography of its business. Put simply, cash flows generated inwards riskier countries should hold upwards worth less than equivalent cash flows generated inwards safer ones but in that location are ii follow upwards propositions worth emphasizing:
  1. Operation, non incorporation: I believe that it is where a companionship operates that determines its risk exposure, non precisely where it is incorporated. Thus, you lot tin terminate conduct maintain U.S. of A. of America companies similar Coca Cola (through its revenues) too Exxon Mobil (from its oil reserves) alongside substantial emerging marketplace exposure too emerging marketplace companies similar Tata Consulting Services too Embraer alongside pregnant developed marketplace exposure. In fact, what nosotros human face upwards inwards valuation increasingly are global companies that through the accident of history hap to hold upwards incorporated inwards different countries.
  2. Company, Country too Global Risks: Not all province risk is created equal, peculiarly equally you lot are facial expression at that risk equally a diversified investor. Some province risk tin terminate hold upwards isolated to private companies too is thus averaged out equally you lot diversify fifty-fifty across companies inwards that country. Still other province risk is country-specific too tin terminate hold upwards mitigated equally your portfolio includes companies from across the globe. There is, however, increasingly a component division of province risk that is global, where fifty-fifty a global investor remains exposed to the risk too to a greater extent than so inwards roughly countries than others. The argue that nosotros depict this distinction is that risks that tin terminate hold upwards diversified away volition touching alone the expected cash flows; that adjustment effectively takes the shape of taking into trouble organization human relationship the likelihood too cash menses consequences of the risk occurring when computing the expected cash flow. The risks that are non diversifiable volition touching both the expected cash flows too likewise the discount rates, alongside the agency of adjustment unremarkably taking the shape of higher risk premiums for equity too debt. That may audio similar double counting but it is not, since the expected cash flows are adjusted for the likelihood of bad scenarios too their consequences too the discount charge per unit of measurement adjustment is to need a premium for beingness exposed to that risk:
    If you lot brand the supposition that all province risk is diversifiable, you lot acquire inwards at the determination that you lot don't need to adapt discount rates for province risk, a defensible declaration when correlations across countries were real depression (as inwards the 1980s) but non whatsoever more.
Thus, dealing alongside province risk correctly becomes a fundamental ingredient of both corporate finance, where multinational companies drive to mensurate hurdle rates too returns on projects inwards different countries too inwards valuation, where investors drive to attach values or prices to the same companies inwards fiscal markets. 

Country Default Risk
Since I conduct maintain had extended posts on province risk before, I volition non repeat much of what I conduct maintain said earlier too instead focus this transportation service on precisely updating the numbers. Simply put, the virtually easily accessible measures of province risk tend to hold upwards measures of default risk:
  1. Sovereign Ratings: Ratings agencies similar S&P, Moody’s too Fitch attach sovereign ratings to countries, where they mensurate the default risk inwards regime borrowing precisely equally they create for private companies. These ratings agencies oftentimes likewise furnish split ratings for local currency too unusual currency borrowings yesteryear the same government. The film below summarizes ratings yesteryear country, inwards Jan 2017, too the linked spreadsheet contains the same data.
    Link to alive version of map
  2. Government Bond Default Spreads: When a regime issues bonds inwards a unusual currency, that are traded, the involvement charge per unit of measurement on those bonds tin terminate hold upwards compared to the risk costless charge per unit of measurement inwards a bond issued inwards the same currency to acquire inwards at measures of default risk for the government. In much of Latin America, for instance, where countries has US-dollar denominated bonds, comparison the rates on those bonds to the U.S. of A. of America T.Bond charge per unit of measurement (of equivalent maturity) provides a snapshot of default risk. The tabular array below summarizes regime bond default spreads equally of Jan 1, 2017, for Latin American countries alongside U.S. of A. of America dollar denominated bonds:
  3. Sovereign CDS Spreads: This mensurate of default risk is of to a greater extent than recent vintage too is a market-determined number. It is, roughly speaking, a mensurate of how much you lot would conduct maintain to pay, on an annual basis, to insure yourself against province default too dissimilar ratings tin terminate motility chop-chop inwards reply to political or economical developments inwards a country, making them both to a greater extent than timely too to a greater extent than volatile measures of province risk. In Jan 2017, sovereign CDS spreads were available for 64 countries too you lot tin terminate encounter them inwards the film below too download them equally a spreadsheet at this link.
    Link to alive version of the map
Country Equity Risk
There are many who role province default spreads equally a proxy for the additional risk that you lot would need for investing inwards equity inwards that country, adding it on to a base of operations equity risk premium (ERP) that they conduct maintain estimated for a mature marketplace (usually the US).
ERP for Country Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 = ERP for U.S. of A. of America + Default Spread for Country A
The limitation of the approach is that in that location are non alone are equities affected yesteryear a broader ready of risks than purely default risk but that fifty-fifty default tin terminate conduct maintain a larger impact on equities inwards a province than its bonds, since equity investors are the residuum claimants of cash flows.

There are broader measures of province risk, taking the shape of province risk scores that contain political, economical too legal risks, that are estimated yesteryear entities, roughly world (like the World Bank) too roughly private (like PRS too the Economist). The showtime is that they tend to hold upwards unstandardized, inwards the feel that each service that measures province risk has its ain scoring mechanism, alongside World Bank scores going from depression to high equally province risk increases too PRS going from high to low. The instant is that they are subjective, alongside variations inwards the factors considered too the weights attached to each. That said, in that location is information inwards looking at how the scores vary across fourth dimension too across countries, alongside the film below capturing PRS scores yesteryear province inwards Jan 2017. The numbers are likewise available inwards the linked spreadsheet.
Link to alive map
I conduct maintain my ain idiosyncratic agency of estimating the province risk premiums that builds off the province default spreads. I role a ratio of marketplace volatility, contention that default spreads need to hold upwards scaled to reverberate the higher volatility of equities inwards a market, relative to regime bonds inwards that market. 

Since the volatility ratio tin terminate hold upwards both hard to acquire at a province bird too volatile, peculiarly if the regime bond is illiquid, I compute volatilities inwards an emerging marketplace equity index too an emerging marketplace regime bond index too role the resulting ratio equally a constant that I apply globally to acquire inwards at equity risk premiums for private countries. In Jan 2017, I started my estimates alongside a 5.69% equity risk premium for mature markets (set equal to the implied premium on Jan 1, 2017, for the S&P 500) too so used a combination of default spreads for countries too a ratio of 1.23 for relative equity marketplace volatility (from the index volatilities) to acquire inwards at equity risk premiums for private countries.

For countries that had both sovereign CDS spreads too sovereign ratings, I was able to acquire different measures of equity risk premium using either. For countries that had alone a sovereign rating, I used the default spread based on that rating to gauge equity risk premiums (see lookup tabular array here). For those countries that likewise had sovereign CDS spreads, I computed alternate measures of equity risk premiums using those spreads. Finally, for those frontier countries (mostly inwards the Middle East too Africa) that were neither rated nor had sovereign CDS spreads, I used their PRS scores to attach real stone oil measures of equity risk premiums (by looking at other rated countries alongside similar PRS scores). The film below summarizes equity risk premiums yesteryear province too the link volition arrive at you lot the same information inwards a spreadsheet.
Link to alive map
The i prediction that nosotros tin terminate likewise safely brand for adjacent yr is that precisely equally nosotros conduct maintain each yr since 2008, in that location volition hold upwards at to the lowest degree i too mayhap fifty-fifty ii major shocks to the global economical system, precipitated yesteryear politics or yesteryear economic science or both. Those shocks touching all markets globally, but to different degrees too it behooves us to non alone hold upwards aware of the impact afterward they hap but hold upwards proactive too start edifice inwards the expectation that they volition hap into our required returns too values.

YouTube Video

  1. Sovereign Ratings yesteryear Country, S&P too Moody's on Jan 1, 2017
  2. Sovereign CDS spreads (ten-year) on Jan 1, 2017
  3. Political Risk Services (PRS) scores yesteryear country, Jan 1, 2017
  4. Equity Risk Premiums too Country Risk Premiums yesteryear province on Jan 1, 2017

Selasa, 14 Maret 2006

January 2017 Information Update 6: A Toll Of Working Capital Alphabetic Quality Update!

I withdraw hold described the cost of uppercase every bit the Swiss Army knife of finance, a number that shows upward inward thence many dissimilar places inward corporate fiscal in addition to analysis in addition to valuation in addition to inward thence many dissimilar contexts, that it is slowly to mangle in addition to misunderstand. In this post, my objective is simple. I volition start amongst a description of the sequence that I role to instruct to a cost of uppercase for companies inward Jan 2017, but the volume of the post service volition locomote describing what the cost of uppercase looks similar at the start of 2017 for companies some the world.

The Cost of Capital: Hurdle Rate, Opportunity Cost in addition to Discount Rate
As I motility from corporate finance to valuation to investment philosophies, the 1 number that seems to present upward inward almost every aspect of analysis is the cost of capital. In corporate finance, it is the hurdle charge per unit of measurement that determines whether companies should brand novel investments, the optimizer for financing mix in addition to the divining rod for how much to provide to stockholders inward dividends in addition to buybacks. In valuation, it is the discount charge per unit of measurement inward discounted cash catamenia valuations in addition to the determinants of enterprise value multiples (of EBITDA in addition to sales).

It is perchance because it is used inward thence many dissimilar contexts past times such varied sub-groups that it remains a vastly misunderstood in addition to misused number. If yous are interested inward reading to a greater extent than close the cost of capital, yous may desire to try this newspaper that I withdraw hold on the topic (it is non technical or theoretical).

The Cost of Capital Calculation
The cost of uppercase is the weighted average of the costs of equity in addition to debt for a business. While entire books withdraw hold been written on the measuring questions, I volition hold it simple.
1. The cost of equity is the charge per unit of measurement of provide that the marginal investors, i.e., the investors who are most influential at setting your marketplace price, are demanding to invest inward equity inward your business. To instruct to that number, yous demand 3 inputs, a jeopardy costless charge per unit of measurement to instruct started, a mensurate of how risky your equity is, from the perspective of the marginal investors, in addition to a cost for taking that risk.
Cost of Equity = Risk Free Risk + Relative Risk Measure * Price of Risk
In the rarefied basis of the uppercase property pricing model, yous assume that the marginal investor is diversified, beta measures relative jeopardy in addition to the equity jeopardy premium is the cost of risk, yielding a cost of equity.
2. The cost of debt is the charge per unit of measurement at which yous tin laissez passer on notice borrow money, long term in addition to today. It is non a historic cost of borrowing, nor tin laissez passer on notice it locomote influenced past times decisions on changing debt maturity. It tin laissez passer on notice locomote computed past times adding a credit or default spread to the jeopardy costless charge per unit of measurement but it does come, inward many markets, amongst a taxation create goodness which is captured past times netting it out of your cost.
After-tax Cost of Debt = (Risk Free Rate + Default Spread) (1- Marginal Tax Rate)
The default spread tin laissez passer on notice sometimes locomote observed, if the society issues long term bonds, sometimes easily estimated, if the society has a bond rating in addition to yous trust that rating, in addition to sometimes requires to a greater extent than work, if yous withdraw hold to justice default jeopardy yourself.
3. The weights on debt in addition to equity should locomote based upon marketplace values, non volume values, in addition to tin laissez passer on notice modify over time, every bit your society changes.

Since I desire to compute the cost of uppercase for every 1 of the 42,668 firms that comprised this year’s sample, I had to brand some simplifying (and perchance fifty-fifty simplistic) assumptions, some of which were necessitated past times the size of my sample in addition to some past times information limitations. I withdraw hold summarized them inward the motion painting below.

I withdraw hold computed the costs of uppercase for all companies inward US of America dollar terms, non for parochial reasons, since converting to some other currency is small (as I noted inward my post service on peachy the currency code) but to allow for consolidation in addition to comparison.

The costs of uppercase that I compute for private companies withdraw hold 2 shortcomings, driven primarily past times information limitations. The get-go is that the beta that I role for a society comes from the line organisation that it is categorized in, rather than a weighted average of the multiple businesses that it may operate in. The minute is that I withdraw hold attached the equity jeopardy premium of the province of incorporation rather than a weighted average of the ERPs of the countries inward which a society operates; I had to create this since the revenue breakdowns past times province were either non available for many companies or inward every bit good hard a shape to locomote with. If yous desire to compute the cost of uppercase for a society using my data, I withdraw hold a spreadsheet that yous tin laissez passer on notice role that volition allow yous intermission out of these bounds, allowing yous to compute a beta across multiple businesses in addition to an equity jeopardy premium across many countries/regions.

Differences across Geographies
The get-go comparing I brand is inward the costs of uppercase across dissimilar countries in addition to regions. The motion painting below shows cost of uppercase past times province in addition to yous tin laissez passer on notice download the information inward a spreadsheet at this link.
Given that these are all US-dollar based costs of capital, the differences across countries tin laissez passer on notice locomote attributed to 4 factors:
  1. Country risk: Country jeopardy shows upward inward 2 places inward the cost of uppercase calculation, the equity jeopardy premium for the society (which is gear upward equal to the equity jeopardy premium of the province it is in) in addition to an additional default spread inward the cost of debt. 
  2. Industry concentration: Since my mensurate of relative jeopardy comes from looking at the global beta for the sector inward which a society operates, the cost of uppercase for a province volition reverberate the breakdown of industries inward that country. Thus, the cost of uppercase for Peru, a province amongst a disproportionately large number of natural resources companies, volition reverberate the beta of mining in addition to natural resources companies.
  3. Marginal taxation rate: To the extent that a higher marginal taxation charge per unit of measurement lowers the after-tax cost of debt, belongings all else constant, countries amongst higher marginal taxation rates volition withdraw hold lower after-tax costs of debt in addition to perchance lower costs of capital.
  4. Debt ratio: Twinned amongst the marginal taxation rate, inward computing how much a society is beingness helped past times the taxation create goodness of debt, is the amount of debt that the society uses, amongst higher debt ratios oft translating into lower costs of capital.
Differences across Industry Groups
I side past times side plough to manufacture groupings in addition to differences inward cost of uppercase across them. In the tabular array below, I listing the 10 (non-financial service) manufacture groupings globally, amongst the highest costs of capital, in addition to the ten, amongst the lowest, at the start of 2017.
The ground for excluding fiscal service companies is simple. For banks, insurance companies in addition to investment banks, the alone hurdle charge per unit of measurement that has relevance is a cost of equity, since debt is to a greater extent than raw textile than a rootage of uppercase for these firms. You tin laissez passer on notice download the entire manufacture listing (with Global, European, Emerging Market in addition to Australia/Canada worksheets) at this link, but 1 time again at that topographic point are alone a few reasons for the differences:
  1. Business risk: Some businesses are clearly to a greater extent than risky than others in addition to I am using my sector betas to capture the differences inward risk. 
  2. Leverage differences: Companies inward some sectors borrow to a greater extent than than others, amongst mixed effects on the cost of capital. The resulting higher debt to equity ratios force upward sector betas more, leading to higher costs of equity. That, though, is to a greater extent than than partially offset past times the create goodness of raising financing at the after-tax cost of debt, a create create relative to equity.
  3. Country exposure: Some manufacture groupings withdraw hold geographic concentrations in addition to to the extent that those concentrations are inward countries amongst real depression or real high risk, relative to the remainder of the world, your cost of uppercase volition locomote skewed depression or high.
Distributional Perspective
I withdraw hold long argued that analysts pass far every bit good much fourth dimension on tweaking in addition to finessing costs of uppercase inward valuation in addition to non plenty on estimating earnings in addition to cash flows, in addition to I base of operations my declaration on a real uncomplicated fact. The distribution of costs of uppercase for publicly traded companies is a tight one, amongst a large proportion of companies falling inward a real narrow range. Rather than beak inward abstractions, consider the histogram of costs of uppercase for US of America in addition to global companies at the start of 2017:

The median US of America $ cost of uppercase for a US of America society is 7.22%, 50% of all US of America companies withdraw hold costs of uppercase betwixt 5.69% in addition to 8.14%, in addition to 80% withdraw hold costs of uppercase betwixt 4.59% in addition to 8.87%. If yous expand the distribution to include all global stocks, your distribution widens but non past times every bit much every bit yous mightiness think. The median US of America $ cost of uppercase for a global society is 8.03%, one-half of all global companies withdraw hold costs of uppercase betwixt 6.88% in addition to 9.15% in addition to 90% of all companies globally withdraw hold costs of uppercase betwixt 5.63% in addition to 10.68%. In other words, yous don't withdraw hold a lot of leeway to motility your cost of uppercase for publicly traded firms. It is truthful that every bit yous convey inward other currencies into the mix, yous tin laissez passer on notice brand the differences larger, but every bit I noted in my post service on currencies, it is because of differences inward inflation. You may desire to pay withdraw heed to these distributions the side past times side fourth dimension that yous encounter an analyst using a 20% US$ cost of uppercase to value a "risky" society or a 3% US$ cost of uppercase for a "safe" company, since neither number looks defensible, given the distribution.

Cost of Capital Maxims
I intend that nosotros non alone pass every bit good much fourth dimension on estimating costs of uppercase inward valuation but nosotros also misunderstand what it is designed to measure. At the jeopardy of repeating myself, hither are 4 suggestions that I withdraw hold on the cost of capital:
  1. Don't brand the cost of uppercase the receptacle of all your hopes in addition to fears: Many analysts withdraw hold to view the regulation that riskier firms should withdraw hold higher costs of uppercase (or discount rates) but thence continue to intuit what that discount charge per unit of measurement should locomote for company, given how risky they intend it is.  In the process, they oft contain risks that don't belong inward discount rates in addition to attach prices for those risks that reverberate their gut responses rather than what the marketplace is paying.
  2. Focus on cash flows, non discount rates: When your valuations instruct awry, it is almost never because of the mistakes that yous made on the discount charge per unit of measurement in addition to almost ever because of errors inward your estimates of cash flows (with growth, margins in addition to reinvestment). 
  3. Spend less fourth dimension on estimating discount rates: It follows thence that when yous withdraw hold a express amount of fourth dimension that yous tin laissez passer on notice pass on a valuation (and who does not?), that fourth dimension is amend spent on assessing cash flows than inward fine tuning the discount rate.
  4. An approximation plant well : When I am inward a hurry to value a company, I role my distributional statistics (see graph above) to instruct started. Thus, if I am valuing an average jeopardy society inward US of America dollars, I volition start off using an 8% cost of uppercase (the global median is 8.03%) in addition to consummate my valuation amongst that number, in addition to if I nonetheless withdraw hold time, I volition come upward dorsum in addition to tweak the cost of capital. If it is real risky firm, I volition start off amongst a 10.68% cost of uppercase (the 90th percentile) in addition to gain revisit that number, if I withdraw hold the time.
All inward all, if your let on yourself obsessing close the minutiae of discount rates inward a valuation, it is perchance because yous desire to avoid the large questions that brand valuation interesting in addition to challenging at the same time.

YouTube Video

  1. Cost of Capital (US$), past times Country - Jan 2017
  2. Cost of Capital (US$), past times Industry - Jan 2017
  3. US $ Cost of Capital - Percentiles for US of America in addition to Global companies

Minggu, 12 Maret 2006

January 2017 Information Update 8: The Nighttime As Well As Low-Cal Sides Of Debt

There is no aspect of corporate finance where morality plays a bigger utilisation than  the determination of how much to borrow. That should come upwards every bit no surprise. For generations, almost every religion has inveighed against debt, amongst roughly seeking outright bans too others strongly urging followers to "neither a borrower nor a lender be", too perchance amongst proficient reason. History is filled amongst instances of human beings, caught upwards inwards the mood of the moment, borrowing coin too so finding themselves destitute inwards bad times. That said, in that location is no denying that the determination of whether to borrow money, too if so how much to borrow, has popular off a critical business office of running a business.

The merchandise off on debt
In corporate finance, the tidings of debt begins amongst an examine of the merchandise offs on using debt, instead of equity, to finance operations. I take maintain described debt every bit a double-edged sword before, too running out of analogies, I am going to force on Star Wars framing, too utter well-nigh the lite side (benefits) of debt too the nighttime side (costs) of debt. In the course of educational activity of the discussion, I wishing to separate the illusory benefits too costs of debt from the existent benefits too costs, partly because I come across them mixed upwards inwards do all the time.

In terms of the real factors that drive the merchandise off, debt creates ii benefits. The biggest comes from the contention inwards the taxation code, which allows involvement expenses to last taxation deductible too cash flows to equity to last not. The secondary produce goodness is that debt tin operate every bit a disciplinary mechanism, amongst the dependent of having to brand debt payments restraining managers from taking genuinely abysmal projects. These benefits take maintain to last offset against ii large costs, the get-go too biggest beingness the increased likelihood of distress too the 2nd beingness the potential for disagreements betwixt lenders too equity investors well-nigh the hereafter of the draw solid (and how it plays out every bit debt covenants). All of these factors demo upwards inwards the cash flows too adventure assessment of a business. There are all the same illusory factors that tin last distracting. On the produce goodness side, in that location are roughly who fighting that debt is proficient because it tin force upwards your provide on equity or quest to the fact that the cost of debt is lower than the cost of equity. Both statements are to a greater extent than oft than non right, but the flaw inwards reasoning inwards both is that they assume that every bit y'all borrow to a greater extent than money, your cost of equity volition rest unchanged, too it volition not. In fact, inwards the absence of debt too distress, the positive too negative effects volition offset each other, leading to no value change. On the cost side, debt detractors volition banknote that the involvement expenses associated amongst debt volition lower cyberspace income, ignoring the fact that the lower cyberspace income is right away beingness earned on a lower equity base. If the declaration is that debt volition increment default adventure too the cost of debt, it is worth pointing out that fifty-fifty at the higher cost, debt is soundless cheaper than equity. Finally, in that location are transient factors that come upwards from marketplace position frictions, where if your equity is mis-priced or the involvement charge per unit of measurement on your debt is laid every bit good depression or high (given your default risk), y'all (as the company) may take maintain payoff of the friction, using to a greater extent than debt if equity is nether priced too debt carries every bit good depression an involvement charge per unit of measurement too less debt if equity is over priced too debt carries every bit good high a rate. This, of course, volition ask CFOs of companies to embark on that most unsafe of expeditions, of judging marketplace position assessments of their value too risk. The motion-picture demo below brings together all of the elements:

As nosotros debate why companies borrow coin too how it affects their value, it is proficient to last clear eyed well-nigh how debt changes value. It is almost alone because of the taxation produce goodness that it is endowed with, too if y'all take maintain that taxation produce goodness away, the reasons for borrowing rapidly dissipate.

The Cross Sectional Distribution 
Before nosotros embark on an examine of debt loads across companies, let's start past times looking at 3 unlike measures of fiscal leverage:
  1. Debt to Capital = Debt/ (Debt + Equity): This is a mensurate of how much of the upper-case alphabetic quality inwards a fellowship comes from debt. It tin last measured every bit accountants come across value (with volume values for debt too equity) or every bit the marketplace position sees it (with marketplace position values for debt too equity).
  2. Debt to Equity = Debt/Equity: This is a unopen variant of debt to capital, amongst debt stated every bit a percent of equity, over again inwards volume value or marketplace position value terms.
  3. Debt to EBITDA = Debt/EBITDA: This measures how much debt a fellowship has relative to the cash it generates from operations, before taxes too upper-case alphabetic quality expenditures.
In computing my total debt for the 42,668 companies inwards my sample, I include all involvement bearing debt (short term, every bit good every bit long term) every bit good every bit the introduce value of lease commitments (which I process every bit debt, too which accountants volition start treating every bit debt inwards 2018 or 2019).  I volition start past times looking at the distribution of debt to upper-case alphabetic quality ratios, inwards both volume too marketplace position terms, across all companies:

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large per centum of firms, to a greater extent than than 25% inwards the US too almost 20% globally, take maintain no debt. Regionally, on a marketplace position debt to upper-case alphabetic quality ratio, Eastern Europe(with Russia) too Latin America are the most highly levered regions of the world, but inwards terms of debt every bit a multiple of EBITDA, Canadian too Chinese companies take maintain the highest debt burden.

I follow upwards past times looking at debt to upper-case alphabetic quality ratios for companies, past times country, inwards the motion-picture demo below too the statistics for all 4 measures of leverage in this spreadsheet.
Link to alive map
Latin America too Eastern Europe rest the most indebted portion inwards the world, amongst almost every province inwards each portion having debt ratios of 30% or higher inwards marketplace position value terms too oft 50% or higher inwards volume value terms. While roughly of this tin last attributed to the driblet inwards commodity prices over the terminal few years, I intend that 1 argue is that many Latin American companies are hooked on a combination of high (and oft unsustainable) dividends too a wishing for command (manifested inwards an unwillingness to dilute equity ownership). The same factors explicate why many Middle Eastern companies, where in that location is no taxation produce goodness from debt, popular off along to borrow money.

Industry Differences
You would expression companies inwards unlike sectors to take maintain rattling unlike policies on fiscal leverage, too most of the differences take maintain to produce amongst where they autumn on the debt merchandise off. In the tabular array below, I listing the most highly levered too lightly levered non-financial service sectors inwards the United States, inwards terms of marketplace position debt to upper-case alphabetic quality ratios.
Spreadsheet amongst debt ratios, past times sector
There are few surprises on this list, every bit y'all come across technology scientific discipline sectors (software, online retail, semiconductor, semiconductor equipment too electronics) on the least-levered listing too upper-case alphabetic quality intensive sectors (power, trucking, telecom) on the most-levered list. It is interesting that integrated oil/gas companies are amidst the to the lowest degree levered sectors but oil/gas distribution is on the most levered list. If y'all wishing to come across the total listing of industries, non merely for the U.S. but also for other regions of the world, try this spreadsheet.

In my before post on taxes, I noted that 2017 is probable to last a twelvemonth of change, at to the lowest degree for the US taxation code too almost every version of taxation reform that is beingness talked well-nigh volition trim the marginal taxation charge per unit of measurement too thence the taxation benefits of debt. In fact, in that location are roughly versions where the entire taxation produce goodness of debt volition last removed. While I believe that this volition last healthier inwards the long term for businesses, it volition last a seismic shift that volition take maintain massive effects non merely on corporate borrowing but on the corporate bond market. I am non certain that nosotros (as investors too companies) are laid for that large a change. So, small-scale steps agency from the condition quo, which is skewed strongly towards borrowers, may last all that y'all tin expression to see!

YouTube Video

  1. Capital Structure Optimizer
  2. APV Spreadsheet
  1. Debt Ratios, past times country
  2. Debt Ratios, past times industry

Sabtu, 18 Maret 2006

January 2017 Information Update 2: The Resilience Of Us Equities!

If asked to listing the biggest threats to U.S. equities at the start of 2016, most people would conduct maintain pointed to the Federal Reserve’s imminent retreat from quantitative easing too the possibility of a slowdown inwards mainland People's Republic of China spilling into lower global growth. Those fears contributed to a rattling bad start to 2016 for U.S. stock markets, too every bit stocks dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the decision past times U.K. voters to piece of job out the European Union inwards June too past times dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the US voters to elect Donald Trump every bit president inwards Nov to terminate the twelvemonth amongst good for you lot gains. As nosotros piece of job inwards a twelvemonth amongst potentially large changes to the U.S. taxation code too merchandise policy looming, it is fourth dimension to bring stock of where nosotros are too where nosotros mightiness live going inwards the adjacent year.

Stocks too Bonds: Looking Back
The best house to regard  how the twelvemonth unfolded for stocks is to describe out how the S&P 500 (large cap stocks), the S&P 600 (for pocket-size cap stocks) too U.S. ten-year treasury bond charge per unit of measurement did on a calendar month past times calendar month footing through 2016.
Monthly returns, using month-end values
To convert the index values into returns each month, I foremost computed toll changes for the indices each calendar month (and cumulatively over the year) too added the dividends for the twelvemonth to gauge annual returns of 11.74% for the S&P 500 too 26.46% for the S&P 600; it was a rattling skillful twelvemonth for pocket-size cap stocks too a skillful i for large cap stocks.  I converted the treasury bond rates into bond toll changes each calendar month too cumulatively (for a 10-year constant maturity bond) over the twelvemonth too added the coupon at the start of the twelvemonth to larn a furnish of 0.58% for the year; the ascension inwards involvement rates crusade bond prices to driblet past times 1.68% during the year.

To pose these returns inwards perspective, I added the S&P 500 too treasury bond furnish for 2016 to my historical information serial which goes dorsum to 1928 too computed both elementary too compounded (geometric) annual averages inwards both for the entire menses too compared them to a annualized 3-month treasury pecker furnish (which you lot tin mean value of every bit the furnish for asset cash).
Download spreadsheet amongst historical data

This tabular array (or around variant of it) is used past times practitioners to larn the equity adventure premium for U.S. markets, past times subtracting the average furnish on treasuries (bills or bonds) from the average furnish on stocks over a historical fourth dimension period. Using my estimates, I larn the next values for the historical equity adventure premium for the U.S. market.
Download spreadsheet amongst historical data
Note that the equity adventure premium varies widely, from 2.3% to 7.96%,  depending on how long a fourth dimension menses you lot use, how you lot  compute averages (simple or compounded) too whether you lot role treasury bills or bonds every bit your stair out of a adventure complimentary investment. Adding a statistical notation of caution, each of these estimated premiums comes amongst a criterion error, reported inwards cerise numbers below the estimated number. Thus, if you lot create upward one's nous to role 6.24%, the difference betwixt the arithmetics average returns on stocks too bonds from 1928-2016, every bit your historical adventure premium, that disclose comes amongst a criterion fault of 2.26%. That would hateful that your truthful equity adventure premium, amongst 95% confidence, could live anywhere from 1.72% to 10.76% (plus too minus 2 criterion errors).

Stocks: Looking forward
Looking at the past times may give us comfort but investing is ever most the future. I conduct maintain been a long-time skeptic of historical adventure premiums for 2 reasons.  First, every bit noted inwards the tabular array above, they are noisy (have high criterion errors). Second, they assume hateful reversion, i.e., that U.S. equity markets volition revert dorsum to what they conduct maintain historically delivered every bit returns too that is an increasingly tenuous assumption. It is for this argue that I compute a forward-looking gauge of the equity adventure premium for the US, using the S&P 500 Index every bit my stair out of U.S. stocks. Specifically, I gauge expected cash flows from dividends too buybacks from asset the S&P 500 for the adjacent 5 years, using the trailing 12-month cash flow every bit my starting call for too an expected growth charge per unit of measurement inwards earnings every bit my proxy for cash flow growth too role these estimates, inwards conjunction amongst the index grade on Jan 1, 2017, to compute an internal charge per unit of measurement of furnish (a discount charge per unit of measurement that volition brand the introduce value of the expected cash flows on the index equal to the traded grade of the index).
Given the grade of the index (2238.83 on Jan 1, 2017) too expected cash flows, I gauge an expected furnish on 8.14% for stocks too netting out the T.Bond charge per unit of measurement of 2.45% on Jan 1, 2017, yields an implied ERP for the index of 5.69%. That disclose is downward from the 6.12% that I estimated at the start of 2016 but is nevertheless good higher upward the historical average (from 1960-2016) for this implied ERP of most 4.11%.

There is i troubling characteristic to the trailing 12 calendar month cash flows on the S&P 500 that gives me pause. As was the instance lastly year, the cash flows returned past times S&P 500 companies represented to a greater extent than than 100% of earnings during the trailing 12 months, an unsustainable stair fifty-fifty inwards a mature market. I recomputed the ERP on the supposition that the cash payout ratio volition decrease over fourth dimension to sustainable levels, i.e., levels that would allow for plenty reinvestment given the growth rate. The results are shown below:
The implied ERP for the index, amongst payout adjusting to most 82.3% of earnings inwards twelvemonth 5, is 4.50%, nevertheless higher than historic norms but amongst a much slimmer buffer for safety. Looking at the adjacent year, though, the potential for taxation constabulary changes volition roil estimates. Not only are many analysts expecting pregnant increases inwards earnings adjacent twelvemonth of 12-15%, every bit they facial expression corporate taxation rates to larn lowered (at to the lowest degree inwards the aggregate) but in that location may also live a furnish of around of the trapped cash ($2 trillion or higher) dorsum to the US, if that part of the constabulary is modified. Either alter volition salve the pressure level on cash flows too arrive less probable that you lot volition regard dramatic cuts inwards stock buybacks or dividends.

Interest Rates: What lies ahead?
With bonds, I volition bring a dissimilar tack. I believe that, rather than waiting on the Fed, the path for involvement rates this twelvemonth volition live determined past times the path of the economy, amongst higher existent growth and/or higher inflation pushing upward rates. Updating a figure that I conduct maintain used before, where I compare the T.Bond charge per unit of measurement to an intrinsic involvement charge per unit of measurement (computed past times adding expected inflation to expected existent growth), you lot produce regard the foremost of a gap betwixt the 2 at the terminate of 2016:
Entering 2017, the ten-year treasury bond at 2.45% is good below the intrinsic adventure complimentary of 3.60%, obtained past times adding the inflation charge per unit of measurement to existent gross domestic product growth through much of 2016. It is solely possible that the economic scheme volition revert dorsum to its post-2008 languor or that in that location volition live other shocks to the global economical arrangement that volition crusade inflation too existent growth to recede too involvement rates to rest low, but for the minute at least, it looks similar involvement rates are their journeying dorsum to a novel normal. If I were advising the Fed, my proffer is for them is to human activity speedily on rates (perhaps every bit early on every bit the adjacent meeting) inwards lodge to save the fiction that it is they who are setting rates, rather than next them.

PE, CAPE too Bond PE Ratios
I am non a fan of PE crystal ball gazing but I know that in that location are many who brand their marketplace judgments based on PE ratios. Updating a graph that I lastly used when I posted on CAPE lastly twelvemonth to reverberate the numbers at the start of the 2017, hither is what the updated PE ratios facial expression similar for the S&P 500:
Spreadsheet amongst data
While electrical flow PE ratios, inwards all their variants, are non at 1999 levels, they conduct maintain clearly climbed dorsum to 2007 levels too are good higher upward historical averages. Scary, right? This volition inevitably Pb to the warnings most markets overheating too a coming crash, merely every bit it has for much of the lastly 5 years. While i of these years, that predicted crash volition come, you lot may desire to facial expression at stock PE ratios relative to the PE ratio on a treasury bond today, around other comparing that I madedropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the inwards my CAPE post;
Spreadsheet amongst data
It is truthful that stocks facial expression expensive today (at 27 times earnings) but they start to facial expression much improve when you lot compare them to bonds (at xl times earnings). If you lot are concerned that bond rates volition climb this twelvemonth to reverberate higher inflation/real growth, you lot may live forced to bring around other facial expression at how you lot are pricing stocks at that time. There is i terminal departure that needs explaining. In the lastly section, I noted that implied equity adventure premiums on the U.S. marketplace facial expression reasonable or fifty-fifty high relative to historical norms (a sign that the marketplace is non over valued) but inwards this section, I conduct maintain pointed to PE ratios beingness higher than historical norms (a sign of stock prices overheating). How produce you lot reconcile the 2 findings? The response lies inwards this terminal graph:
Spreadsheet amongst data
While PE ratios conduct maintain risen over the lastly 5 or vi years past times almost 35-40%, the ratio of toll to cash returned to stockholders (in the cast of dividends too buybacks) has barely budged for the lastly 5 years. Here again, you lot should nous the warnings inwards the lastly section, where I noted that U.S. companies are returning almost 107% of their earnings every bit cash to stockholders, unsustainable inwards the long term. If companies abruptly draw dorsum on stock buybacks, the fragile remainder that has allowed for the long bull marketplace volition live threatened.

The Closing
In summary,  the primary threats to stocks at the start of 2017, whether you lot facial expression at implied equity adventure premiums or PE ratios, come upward from 2 sources. The foremost is that involvement rates volition ascension quickly, without a concurrent increment inwards earnings, too the 2nd is that companies volition  scale dorsum the cash they furnish to stockholders to larn dorsum to a sustainable payout. Is in that location a reasonable probability that these events could occur? Of course, too if they both do, it volition live a bad twelvemonth for stocks. However, in that location is almost equal likelihood that every bit involvement rates rise, earnings volition ascension fifty-fifty to a greater extent than (partly because of higher inflation/growth too partly because of cuts inwards corporate taxes) too that companies are able to sustain or fifty-fifty augment cash returned to stockholders. If this scenario unfolds, it volition live a rattling skillful twelvemonth for stocks. I volition predict that you lot volition live hearing from absolutists on both sides of this argument, i side preaching gloom too doom too the other predicting a marketplace surge. I am inwards awe of the conviction that each side has inwards its market-timing judgment, but I am afraid that my marketplace crystal ball is much also cloudy for me to brand strong marketplace predictions. So, I volition produce what I conduct maintain ever done, invest inwards private stocks that I detect to live priced correct too bring that I conduct maintain lilliputian or no command over the market.

YouTube Video

  1. Historical Returns on Stocks, T.Bond too T.Bills from 1928 to 2016
  2. Implied Equity Risk Premium - Jan 2017 (Calculation Spreadsheet)
  3. Historical Implied Equity Risk Premiums - 1960 to 2016 
  4. T.Bond Rate - Actual versus Implied from 1954-2016
  5. PE, CAPE, Shiller PE too Bond PE from 1954-2016
Data 2017 Posts
  1. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 1: The Promise too Perils of Big Data
  2. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 2: The Resilience of U.S. Equities
  3. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 3: Cracking the Currency Code - Jan 2017
  4. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 4: Country Risk too Pricing, Jan 2017
  5. Data Update 5: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Taxing Year Ahead?
  6. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 6: The Cost of Capital inwards Jan 2017
  7. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 7: Profitability, Excess Returns too Corporate Governance- Jan 2017
  8. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 8: The Debt Trade off inwards Jan 2017
  9. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 9: Dividends too Buybacks inwards 2017
  10. dropped past times most 5% inwards January, those who conduct maintain warned us most a bubble looked prescient. But the stock market, every bit is its wont, surprised us again. Not only did U.S. equities come upward dorsum from those setbacks but it weathered other crises during the year, including the Data Update 10: The Pricing Game

Senin, 13 Maret 2006

January 2017 Information Update 7: Profitability, Excess Returns In Addition To Governance

If asked to depict a successful business, most people volition say yous that it is 1 that makes coin together with that is non an unreasonable starting point, but it is non a practiced ending point. For a trouble concern to endure a success, it is non precisely plenty that it makes coin but that it makes plenty coin to compensate the owners for the working capital missive of the alphabet that they guide maintain invested inward it, the opportunity that they are exposed to together with the fourth dimension that they guide maintain to hold off to larn their coin back. That, inward a nutshell, is how nosotros define investment success inward corporate finance together with inward this post, I would similar to purpose that perspective to mensurate whether publicly traded companies are successful.

Measuring Investment Returns
The commencement pace towards measurement investment success is measurement the supply that companies brand on their investments. This step, though seemingly simple, is fraught alongside difficulties. First, corporate measures of profits are non only historical (as opposed to time to come expectations) but are also skewed past times accounting discretion together with exercise together with year-to-year volatility. Second, to mensurate the working capital missive of the alphabet that a fellowship has invested inward its existing investments, yous oft guide maintain laid out alongside what is shown equally working capital missive of the alphabet invested inward a residual sheet, implicitly assuming that majority value is a practiced proxy for working capital missive of the alphabet invested. Notwithstanding these concerns, analysts oft compute a supply on invested working capital missive of the alphabet (ROIC) equally a mensurate of investment supply earned past times a company:

This uncomplicated computation has croak corporate finance’s most widely computed together with used ratio together with spell I compute it together with purpose it inward a multifariousness of contexts, I do together with then alongside the recognition that it comes alongside flaws, some of which tin endure fatal. In the context of reporting this statistic at the start of concluding year, I reported my ROIC caveats inward a picture:

Put simply, it would endure unfair of me to tar a immature fellowship similar Tesla equally a failure because it has a negative supply on invested capital, together with unsafe for me to stance HP equally a fellowship that has made practiced investments, because it has a high ROIC, since is only due to the fact that it has written off almost $16 billion of mistakes, reducing its invested working capital missive of the alphabet together with inflating its ROIC. I compute the supply on invested working capital missive of the alphabet at the start of 2017 for each fellowship inward my world fellowship sample of 42,668 firms, using the next judgments inward my estimation:

I do brand adjustments to operating income together with invested working capital missive of the alphabet that reverberate my stance that accounting miscategorizes R&D together with operating leases. I am soundless using a bludgeon rather than a scalpel hither together with  the returns on invested working capital missive of the alphabet for some companies volition endure off, either because the concluding year’s operating income was abnormally high or depression and/or accountants guide maintain managed to plow the invested working capital missive of the alphabet at this fellowship into a set out that has fiddling to do alongside what is invested inward projects. That said, I guide maintain the police force of large numbers equally my ally.

Measuring Excess Returns

If the mensurate of investment success is that yous are earning to a greater extent than on your working capital missive of the alphabet invested than yous could guide maintain made elsewhere, inward an investment of equivalent risk, yous tin run across why the cost of working capital missive of the alphabet becomes the other one-half of the excess supply equation. The cost of working capital missive of the alphabet is mensurate of what investors tin generate inward the marketplace on investments of equivalent risk. Thus, a fellowship that tin consistently generate returns on its invested working capital missive of the alphabet that move past times its cost of working capital missive of the alphabet is creating value, 1 that generates returns equal to the cost of working capital missive of the alphabet is running inward house together with 1 that generates returns that are less than the cost of capital, it is destroying value. Of course, this comparing tin endure done exclusively on an equity basis, using the cost of equity equally the required charge per unit of measurement together with the supply on equity equally a mensurate of return:

In general, specially when comparing large numbers of stocks across many sectors, the working capital missive of the alphabet comparing is a to a greater extent than reliable 1 than the equity comparison. My halt results for the working capital missive of the alphabet comparing are summarized inward the pic below, where I intermission my global companies into 3 broad groups. The first, value creators, includes companies that earn a supply on invested working capital missive of the alphabet that is at to the lowest degree 2% greater than the cost of capital, the second, value zeros, includes companies that earn inside 2% (within my estimation error) of their cost of working capital missive of the alphabet inward either administration together with the third, value destroyers, that earn a supply on invested working capital missive of the alphabet that is 2% lower than the cost of working capital missive of the alphabet or worse. 

The world marketplace house globally, at to the lowest degree at the start of 2017, has to a greater extent than value destroyers than value creators, at to the lowest degree based upon 2016 trailing returns on capital. The practiced tidings is that at that spot are almost 6000 companies that are super value creators, earning returns on working capital missive of the alphabet that earn 10% higher than the cost of working capital missive of the alphabet or more. The bad tidings is that the value destroying grouping has almost 20,000 firms (about 63% of all firms) inward it together with a large subset of these companies are stuck inward their value destructive ways, non only continuing to rest invested inward bad businesses, but investing to a greater extent than capital.

If yous are wary because the returns computed used the most recent 12 months of data, yous are correct be. To counter that, I also computed a ten-year average ROIC (for those companies alongside 10 years of historical information or more) together with that set out compared to the cost of capital. As yous would await alongside the selection bias, the results are much to a greater extent than favorable, alongside almost 77% of firms earning to a greater extent than than their cost of capital, but fifty-fifty over this much longer fourth dimension period, 23% of the firms earned less than the cost of capital. Finally, if yous are doing this for an private company, yous tin purpose much to a greater extent than finesse inward your computation together with use this spreadsheet to brand your ain adjustments to the number.

Regional together with Sector Differences
If yous bring my numbers, a 3rd of all companies are destroying value, a 3rd are running inward house together with a 3rd are creating value, but are at that spot differences across countries? I respond that enquiry past times computing the excess returns, past times country, inward the pic below:
Link to alive map

Just a annotation on caution on reading the numbers. Some of the countries inward my sample, similar Republic of Mali together with Republic of Kazakhstan guide maintain really few companies listed together with the numbers should taken alongside a grain of salt. Breaking out the excess returns past times broad regional groupings, hither is what I get:
Spreadsheet alongside province data
Finally, I took a facial expression at excess returns past times sector, both globally together with for unlike regions of the world, comparing returns on working capital missive of the alphabet on an aggregated dry soil to the cost of capital. Focusing on non-financial service sectors, the sectors that delivered the most negative together with most positive excess returns (ROIC - Cost of Capital) are listed below:
Spreadsheet alongside sector data
Many of the sectors that delivered the worst returns inward 2016 were inward the natural resources sectors, together with depressed commodity prices tin endure fingered equally the culprit. Among the best performing sectors are many alongside depression working capital missive of the alphabet intensity together with service businesses, though tobacco tops the listing alongside the highest supply spread, partly because the large buybacks/dividends inward the sector guide maintain shrunk the working capital missive of the alphabet invested inward the sector.

For investors, looking at this listing of practiced together with bad businesses inward 2017, I would offering a alarm most extrapolating to investing choices. The correlation betwixt trouble concern character together with investment returns is tenuous, at best, together with hither is why. To the extent that the marketplace is pricing inward investment character into stock prices, at that spot is a really existent possibility that the companies inward the worst businesses may offering the best investment opportunities, if markets guide maintain over reacted to investment performance, together with the companies inward the best businesses may endure the ones to avoid, if the marketplace has pushed upward prices equally good much. There is, however, a corporate governance lesson worth heeding. Notwithstanding claims to the contrary, at that spot are many companies where managers left to their ain devices, volition uncovering ways to pass investor coin badly together with demand to endure held to account.

What next?

I am non surprised, equally some mightiness be, past times the numbers above. In many companies, intermission fifty-fifty is defined equally making coin together with profitable projects are considered to endure pulling their weight, fifty-fifty if those profits don’t mensurate upward to option investments. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 large set out of companies, if set on the spot, volition non fifty-fifty able to say yous how much working capital missive of the alphabet they guide maintain invested inward existing assets, either because the investments occurred way inward the past times or because of the way they are accounted for. It is non only investors who comport the cost of these piteous investments but the economic scheme overall, since to a greater extent than working capital missive of the alphabet invested inward bad businesses agency less working capital missive of the alphabet available for novel together with peradventure much ameliorate businesses, something to squall back most the adjacent fourth dimension yous read a rant against stock buybacks or dividends.

YouTube Video

  1. ROIC Calculator
  1. Excess Returns, past times Country- Jan 2017
  2. Excess Returns, past times Industry - Jan 2017